i put salt on the catalpa just like they did
i wore the jeans everyone else wore i wanted to wear the same shirts as they did too
but i didn't have the money too
saying what i wanted to say lead me too
be made to submit to the one who wore the right shirts and played the right songs
she had a motorcycle she had a music band where they played all the songs everyone
needed to hear she got her cunt licked every time she wanted to have her cunt liked
she was better at tennis than me when i was 13 and she was 30
she couldn't teach me how to play the piano because i didn't already know how to play
the piano
she had a cool electric guitar that she never played and bought with the funds
christians gave to god its 10 percent plus an offering so that she could afford her cool electric guitar
and only showed me how cool her electric guitar is but god forbid she taught me how to play it
your not supposed to help someone that hasn't afforded the right t-shirts
so i bought the right jeans and opened my mouth in speech
but i haven't bought the right t-shirts yet i'd make a t'shirt in woven pedestal pleasantries
wearing it backwards if thats what they thought was cool to afford a t-shirt
then wear The t-shirt as they do. walking to a welcomed pedestal pleasantly
and play her guitar when ever shel let me
too while wearing The t-shirt
they wouldn't call it reactionary because once you have the shirt everyone who matter wears
you wouldn't want to take it off it the shirt you've made it after all
and wearing it is the point especially when other people don't have it
if i submit to her enough she told me i would earn it
if i beg her enough she told me i could earn it
if i collapse in front of her broken mouth open in pieces by her noble belly button. wills
denying me
whatever i could think of reactionary
offering everything i thought it would take to get it
and that will be the end of it collapse lung servitude
she told me she would be there to pick up the pieces and then
i would finally be ready for the t-shirt
i could make a bearing north to Salisbury
planking double barrel shot gun earthen wear pellets breaking every time i pulled the trigger
and burn a candle to get rid of them all
but little did i know they own the candle makers and
if you'd ask then they would say fuck the bees
but i've gotten off course this is a poem about t-shirts
i would smoke camels and listen to french music
check out the do if you want to
but i smoke lucky's and listen to the do
when its hot you don't have to wear a t-shirt open my windows and feel what i'm supposed to feel
when i cook i cook and think what i'm supposed to think
what she wants me to think
in oder to earn the t
shirt sometimes i think about how i was
wanting to speak my mind and make my own shirts
now i love her and 2+2 equals 5