Thursday, February 17, 2011

To the blenders at Dairy Queen or why is your skin so hard

I burnt my wrist on the oven, thinking to
much of the beer thats waiting for

me at your place, when this shift is over.

By your place, I mean the bar your always at,
drinking until the lights go up; more drinking

at mine-and its always the same.

If we danced in my kitchen would
you remember?

Cold floor kids like Dairy Queen blenders,
spinning cream and sweetener until

it feels good, and the skin hardens itself-

insides melting and uncompelled.

Can I help the next in line...please?


  1. If we danced in my kitchen would you remember? There's some amazing beauty in this question, makes the meaning of the poem all dreamy ... Nice one!

  2. Hi, How are you doing?

    I welcome you to week 23 poetry potluck at Jingle Poetry :

    Always, we treasure your support and would be more than happy to see you share…

    The linkz will be open for submission 8pm, Sunday, American Central…theme related entries or unrelated entries are all welcome!

    Best Regards and a happy day.

    Week 23 Theme: Our Home, Temple and Sanctum


  3. glad you liked this one scentofmyheart.
