Saturday, December 25, 2010


I searched for titles in the Sea,
made peace with eroded toes and salt lines,
in an attempt

to be me.

I made a boat with smaller boats
and foil, I searched for cracks
and the wanting

parts I fixed

I broke an oar and sharpened another,
on a piece that I was writing.
The current was strong,

but I wanted to risk it.

I Changed, fleshing out what was
not needed, then searched once more
in the augmented Sea,

just to retire, Untitled.


  1. weeding and seeking,
    lovely sentiments..

    elegant delivery.

  2. "I made a boat with smaller boats
    and foil, I searched for cracks
    and the wanting

    parts I fixed"

    I really like this image. Making a boat with smaller boats and the line, "and the wanting parts I fixed" really strikes me.
